Some of my better parametric transcendental formula art

Back when I was in school, and didn't have a workshop as a creative outlet, or a programming job to use up all of my algorithmic neurons, I did some programming just for fun. Although I wrote lots of little programs to solve various algorithmic and statistic problems, Simple and visually the coolest was a little program I wrote that used transcendental functions to draw various flowers and other visually appealing patterns.


Flower 1
FOR theta = 0 TO 2 * pi STEP .015
rad = -(.5 * SIN(5 * theta)) * (.5 * COS(4 * theta)) * 1000
angle = theta + SIN(rad / 100)
xp = 320 + rad * COS(angle)
yp = 240 + rad * SIN(angle)
LINE -(xp, yp)
NEXT theta

Flower 2
FOR theta = 0 TO 4 * 3.1415 STEP .04
rad = (1.05 + SIN(theta * 4.5)) * 100
angle = theta - COS(theta * 10) / 10
xp = 320 + rad * COS(angle)
yp = 240 + rad * SIN(angle)
LINE -(xp, yp)
NEXT theta

FOR theta = 0 TO 2 * 3.1415 STEP .02
xp = 320 + SIN(theta * 5) * COS(theta * 6) * 200
yp = 240 + COS(theta * 5.5) * SIN(theta * 6.5) * 200
LINE -(xp, yp)
NEXT theta

FOR theta = 0 TO 160 STEP .06
xt = SIN(theta) * theta * 2 + 320
yt = COS(theta) * theta * 2 + 240
nthet = xt / 30 + yt / 30
othet = xt / 30 - yt / 30
yp = yt + SIN(nthet) * 15 + SIN(othet) * 15
xp = xt + COS(nthet) * 15 + COS(othet) * 15
LINE -(xp, yp)
NEXT theta

FOR theta = 0 TO 4 * 3.1415 STEP .004
xt = SIN(theta * 10) * 230 + 320
yt = COS(theta * 9.5) * 200 + 240
nthet = xt / 30 + yt / 30
yp = yt + SIN(nthet) * 20
xp = xt + COS(nthet) * 20
LINE -(xp, yp)
NEXT theta

Full Microsoft Quick Basic 4.5 Source Code for the whole program that I used to generate these patterns, plus some patterns that don't look as good.

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